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‘Top Selling’ Beats Everything.

There is a flurry of Top Selling – Best Selling  ads coming your way.

Stop by a book stand or music retailer and notice how we are all drawn to the Top Ten Best sellers. So when it comes to top seller, have you ever stopped to ponder what this really means to your sales and marketing efforts?

Well it means instant sales qualification if we are to believe the admen. Our psyche seems glued to associating top selling with either the best buy, or seemingly the least risky purchase option. So next to the word ‘free” I believe ‘best seller’ or ‘top seller’ or even ‘hottest selling’ nomenclatures grabs our customers attention more effectively than anything else we can do. The power doesn’t stop there. What could be more exciting than that? Next we will see the inevitable sale prices on our ‘top sellers’ come January.

Here are a few ‘Top Selling’ sales accelerator factors to consider:

1. It removes the clutter of verbal nonsense so often made between the buyer and seller.

2. These claims focus the buyer (and often the sales person) on what’s important by reducing the time necessary for confidence building.

3. It shortens the ‘thinking about it’ phase.

Unfortunately sales personnel don’t reiterate often enough, or powerfully enough, the words ‘our best seller!

You know it, your boss does, and maybe the customer vaguely remembers it. Therefore, your task is to remember to use it in every presentation. Ford won’t let you forget its F Series has been the number one seller for decades. Yet I can’t remember the Ford salesperson mentioning that to me. Or the Lexus is the top selling luxury car in America and I can assure you the salesperson didn’t mention that either. I have no doubt these salespeople knew the gas mileage, tire size and minute details but they completely missed out on the one item that would make me believe all their other statements: “This is the best selling truck (car) in America.”

Best makes for a fantastic fallback when the customer says they want to think about it.

“Almost one million people thought about it and bought it making it the all time…..” The point here is that information of this caliber is the first thing that should come out of our spiel and not be something that is forgotten or muddled through.

‘Best’ power is almost hypnotic when it comes to the buyer’s insatiable need for zero risk.

After all, the psychology behind buying is essentially mapping your product or service against the buyer’s equation of least risk. When you find that magic XY line you have a sale. The nub is simply that if your customers perceive there is a minimal risk in doing business with you then you will likely get the sale.

An effective method for rubbing the risk genie bottle is associating your product with the herd mentality of the buyer. Hey, if everyone else is buying it why shouldn’t I? Best, Hottest, Most, and Number 1 adjectives are just a few of the statements that are excellent for this purpose. I also think these serve to fend off the fuzzy objections and put more focus to what’s important to the customer.

What do you think of when you hear your product associated with ‘Consumer Reports’ or J.D Powers Top Ten Report? The ‘best’, ‘highest rating’ or similar accolade will guarantee more sales. However, remember to tell the customer just in case they have forgotten, or are confusing you with your competitor or any other myriad of things that put our brains into deep freeze.

If not the best seller, perhaps you can claim top quality.

Naturally not everyone can lay claim to top seller. Even though these categories are broken down into minute details e.g. ‘top selling blue van with power steering made on a Friday’ there is an end to what’s believable or what has any value. The demonstrative word here is ‘value’. If appropriate, you could claim the prestigious mention as ‘top quality’ or ‘best value’ both of which have similar impact on buyers.

MosaicCRM Experts Tips

  • Orient your CRM program to maximize its marketing potential: Create and track a ‘Best’ Sales Plan
  • Utilize a closed loop reporting process to measure what’s working
  • Nurture your leads with a prescribed process until they are in a sales ready state
  • Add ‘Best ‘components to your marketing templates, even in your email signatures
  • Tell it to the media! Add media contacts and promotion venues to your database and track where your organization is being seen.


Written by
Bill Noonan, CEO MosaicCRM
