‘Familiarity’ is a powerful, omnipotent feeling.


Does familiarity breed content or contempt? Familiarity may breed contempt in some circles but in selling it only creates confidence.

1.5 Million Miles of Zippers


Tired of ‘innovate or die’ hype? YKK zippers may prove a very interesting branding lesson. No other high tech solution has replaced it. Velcro doesn’t come close.

Visualization and AFDB’s


Great sports competitors have realized for decades that developing their power of visualization is a valuable means to improve their performance. From a CRM perspective, we spend a lot of time and money ‘visualizing’ our customers.

What Drives Sales: Satisfaction or Loyalty?


Do we enhance sales with customer satisfaction or is it customer loyalty? The differences are night and day and the effectiveness of each needs careful scrutiny.

SMB’s & Social Networking: Economic Suicide?


Social Networking: Is it for you? Achieving millions of followers has so far been limited to a few handfuls of mega brands. SMB's trying to imitate them could be economic suicide.

Everybody’s got a spin on Social Networking and how to do it.


If relationship marketing is important to your organization, managing and collecting social network data and transposing this into your CRM program is radically different from the traditional historical based ‘interaction-transaction’ type recording.