Visualization and AFDB’s

Welcome ladies and gentlemen to The Night Gallery. Imagine if you will…

So began Rod Sterling’s eerie narrative that prompted the viewer to mentally visualize portraiture of the fantasy, horror, or sci-fi of what was to follow next. What’s important to note here is the impressive power of visualization.  The technique wasn’t new either. It worked for decades in radio and was equally effective for the power of television. Today, even the medical establishment has watched the power of mental imagery assist patients in their healing process.

Visualize Your Competition and Relationships.

Great sports competitors have realized for decades that developing their power of visualization is a valuable means to improve their performance.  Sports psychologists agree that to do something successfully; we must first be able to visualize doing it in our own mind. The reason why visualization is so effective is that our brain is not able to distinguish between the real event and the imagined one. When I visualize an event, it’s has a powerful effect of reducing what I am looking at. It’s like any race. There’s a lot of people on the track but in reality, very few are actually in the race.  Visualization has that tendency to focus you on one or two competitors that are truly in the race with you.

Selling provides some unique ways to visualize your competition.

On the literal level, it can very well be the named competitor. How do you visualize the brand competitor and just as important, can you visualize what’s in the mind of your customer? Can you visualize the problem or problems? On the practical level, what does the product look like, how does it perform? Can you visualize your customer using it? If so, how do they look?

On a personal level, can you, like athletes, run through a demonstration or sales presentation? How about dreaming up a few closing scenarios? These mental rehearsals can prove invaluable as preparatory tools.

From a CRM perspective, we spend a lot of time and money ‘visualizing’ our customers.

These visualization tools can be as simple as a standard street map to the complexity scrubbing demographics and target market data. These ‘business geographics’ help visualize what the customer looks like. And everybody does it. The one’s who do it best, like Wal Mart, not only know what their customer looks like, they have intimate knowledge and experience with any and all competition.

Visualization could well be your sixth sense.

Visualization provides you with that sixth sense when it comes to the real thing. It only stands to reason that we can gain a heightened sense of familiarity and the confidence that ‘been there, done that’ promotes. Use these mental dress rehearsals to enhance your skills and improve your ability to better judge business situations. Not so unrelated is the power of positive thinking that results from being a skillful visualizer.

MosaicCRM Experts Corner –

Visualizing your database goes beyond just metal images. To be practical, CRM is the best way to take a large number of disparate data streams and convert these into a very clear picture of your customer, and how and when they buy. To make that happen, here are a few suggestions to follow:

  •  Pipeline design and management is clear, concise, easy
  • Automate everything that manages the customer buying cycle and sales cycles
  • Optimize activity planning with strategic business processes


Sell More With 100% ‘Real’ Visibility!

Unlike most CRM’s that organize data into lists and simple ‘recording functions’, MosaicCRM AccountPro provides incredible visibility of accounts. This effectively converts prospects into customers with uniquely designed sales processes that match your style, culture and customers.

  • Customized business processes that drive successful sales operations
  • Highly automated management of Pipelines, Key Activities, Closing Dates, Revenue Streams and Contract Renewal dates
  • Strategic activities and objectives that match client buying cycles and preferences
  • Maximize sales with structured activity and sales opportunity tracking for New Leads and Accounts


About AFDB’s: Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie

Visualization has often been related to many forms of mind control. If you are concerned that too much visualizing will leak out of your head and into that of your competitors, or you’re just a little paranoid of the whole Rod Sterling thing, I draw your attention to this product. I know this appears to be just cheap commercialism but it’s not. It’s billed as ‘An Effective, Low-Cost Solution To Combating Mind-Control.’ Still not sold, read on:

“An Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie (AFDB) is a type of headwear that can shield your brain from most electromagnetic psychotronic mind control carriers. AFDBs are inexpensive (even free if you don’t mind scrounging for thrown-out aluminum foil) and can be constructed by anyone with at least the dexterity of a chimp. This cheap and unobtrusive form of mind control protection offers real security to the masses. Not only do they protect against incoming signals, but they also block most forms of brain scanning and mind reading, keeping the secrets in your head truly secret. AFDBs are safe and operate automatically. All you do is make it and wear it and you’re good to go! Plus, AFDBs are stylish and comfortable.” What are you waiting for, order yours today!